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Discount Update

  1. Flexible Discount Options: Staff members can now add both fixed amount and percentage discounts, providing more choices to suit your specific needs. Whether you want to offer a fixed dollar amount off or a percentage discount, we've got you covered.

  2. Customizable Discount Calculation: Tailor your discount calculations to fit your needs. Choose between two modes:

  • Order-Specific Discount Calculation: Discounts are applied in the order defined, one after the other.
  • Product Base Amount Calculation: Calculate discounts normally on the product's base amount, ensuring a straightforward approach. Simply toggle between these modes in your discount settings
  1. Ad-Hoc Discounts in Invoices: We've added the ability for staff members to apply ad-hoc discounts while generating invoices. This means you can apply predefined discounts or create custom discounts on the spot, giving you more control over pricing and promotions.

These updates are designed to make your discount more versatile and intuitive, ultimately providing a better experience for both staff members and customers.

We hope these enhancements will help streamline your operations and provide you with more options to create value.